
My Idea for a Power Rangers Reboot PT2

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PART 2 - It's been months since the five teens had first become Power Rangers and since then have become practically inseperatable. But the constant battles have left all five of them behind in their studies. Zach and Trini lament that Billy is absent today, as Kimberly reminds them that Billy is being taught by Alpha 5 and Gosei about the inner workings of the Command Centre. Jason says he hopes Billy can be on hand to witness the finals of the martial arts tournament this weekend. Trini asks why he would be so eager to fight when all they do is fight aliens. Jason jokes that this fight would be refereed.

Meanwhile in the Command Centre, Gosei, a robotic yet scatter brained tinkerer, has Billy working on new technology to use inside of the Rangers' helmets. Billy says he is thankful to be learning under so many brilliant minds, just as Zordon yells out in pain. He says that the Morphing Grid has shifted violently.

On the dark side of the moon, Goldar is running through the corridors of Rita's palace, making his way to the gathering room in time to see Squatt and Baboo cowering in the corner in fear. He sees Rita standing in front of a makeshift red Time Chamber similar to Zordon's, flashing lights and emitting small bolts of lightning as Finster babbles on about how Master Vile will be livid that Rita used the 'Crystal' in this manner. Rita orders Finster to be quiet, that she's only doing what Maligore promised to do decades ago and never did. A skeletal figure crawls from out of the Time Chamber, writhing in pain. Rita covers the figure in a blanket, and hugs it, ecstatic that her husband Zedd was finally with her again.

Zedd looks Rita in the eye and she backs off, startled by his appearance. He reachs out to her, recognizing her, then looks at his hand. Finster explains that they were sorcerors, not technicians like the Eltairians, and that Zedd's energy had degenerated during the thousand years inside.

Goldar is more than excited to hear that his old Master is back again and extends his hand to greet Zedd. Zedd looks up at him with his skeletal face and asks if he is Thrax. Goldar doesn't know what to say. Rita puts her hand on Zedd's back and tells him that Thrax didn't survive the war on Eltair. Zedd stands up and turns bright red as he screams at the top of his lungs which can be seen through his chest. The entire Palace shakes at his rage. Then, begins to laugh his classic laugh. He says that Thrax' sacrifice would not be in vain and that soon Zordon's forces would suffer at his hands. He reaches into his stomach and pulls out the Green Power Soldier's Power Coin.

Back in Angel Grove, Trini, Kimberly and Zach are all waiting for Billy as Jason gets ready for the final round of the tournament. Trini whispers to Kimberly on how build Jason was, just as his opponent comes into the room. His name is Tommy, and is from a different distrinct. He's wearing dark green pants and is at least a foot taller than Jason. Zach whispers to the girls that he didn't realize that Jason would be fighting such an imposing opponent. Jason and Tommy stare at each other eye to eye as the bell rings. They are evenly matched despite the size difference and the match is declared a draw, much to Tommy's chagrin. Jason is surprised that Tommy would act so childish in front of his sensei and classmates. Tommy tells him to back off and leave him alone.

Later that day, Billy arrives in Ernie's juice bar and apologizes to the others on his tardiness, and explains that he had been trying to figure out just what caused Zordon pain earlier in the day. Bulk and Skull tell into the bar with their gang and tell the five to leave. Needless to say, after fighting monsters for as long as they have, the teens are no longer intimidated by the bullies. Bulk gets especially angry that the five are no longer paying attention to him, not noticing Tommy behind him. As Bulk turns around, seeing Tommy startles him so badly he trips and lands in the janitorial closet. More embarassed than bruised, Bulk orders Skull and the rest of the gang to leave, as Tommy slowly walks up to Jason. Jason's not sure if Tommy's looking for a fight, but Tommy assures them that he's there just to talk to him. Tommy apologizes for how he acted after the fight and offers Jason a rematch, not for any other reason but just to break the tie. Jason accepts but says they'd probably have to clear it with the school. Tommy says it's a deal, and as he is about to leave, Kimberly offers up a chair at their table, next to her. Tommy blushes a bit, then declines, saying he has prior commitments, but is happy to have things straightened out with Jason.

Master Vile contacts Rita via hologram, more than irate that Rita had used the 'Crystal' to revive the man who had once usurped his empire. Rita states that Master Vile may have lost his empire, but Rita lost her entire family in the war. Vile responds by saying that he had lost his only daughter to Lord Zedd.

Zedd, with Goldar at his side, now adorned in silver armour and his classic staff, walks into the room, gloated at how old Vile had become over the years. Vile is more shocked by Zedd's appearance than anything, saying that his daughter, Rita, deserved better than to be married to a monster that made Maligore himself look handsome. Zedd, in anger, extends his staff and teleports Vile right in the middle of the room.

Zedd, despite Rita's objections, gets into Vile's face, accusing him of being a fool and unable to accomplish anything. Zedd then demands that Vile tells him where his personal zord Serpentera is now located. Vile tells him that Serpentera is currently in parts in one of King Mondo's junkyards, and that Zedd would be foolish to go up against his army. Zedd responds that his army's rebuilding would begin now, and that he intended to destroy Zordon with his own greatest failure, the Power Coin of the Green Power Soldier.

Back in Angel Grove, Kimberly and Trini are walking home, when a green truck slows down near them. It's Tommy, offering them a ride home. Trini whispers in Kimberly's ear that she saw how Kimberly looked at him earlier, but doesn't entirely trust him. Kimberly whispers back that Tommy may be rough around the edges but if he was bad, he wouldn't have tried to make amends with Jason. Suddenly Putty Patrollers surround them after teleporting, assaulting the girls and pulling Tommy out of his truck. The girls fend off the Putties, and are both rather surprised to see that Tommy doesn't need their help, as he's doing quite well against the Putties, even using his truck door as a weapon, bouncing the Putties off of it.

The Putties retreat, the girls actually have to convince Tommy not to follow after them, both failing to notice their communicators are beeping. Kimberly runs around the truck as Trini jokes that it's the newest fad in cell phones. Zach is on the other line, saying that the Putties are all over Angel Grove, rounding up its citizens. Kimberly and Trini are about to leave as Tommy offers to help, despite his not really knowing what's going on. Trini says they can take care of themselves. Tommy says he's fully aware of that, it's just that he could never leave anyone to fight against so many opponents by themselves.

Tommy drives his truck right into town, plowing over armies of Putties before stopping. The first sight they see is Bulk and Skull fighting a whole horde with a shovel and rake trying to defend some eldery folk. Tommy and the girls come to their aid, just as Goldar appears. Goldar walks through the crowd of Putties face to face with the girls. Bulk and Skull fall over in fear at the sight of him as Goldar raises his sword only to get drop kicked by Tommy. To Goldar's shock, he is not fast enough to hit Tommy, resorting to his eye beams to knock him down. At the same time Lord Zedd is surveying the city with his red glare, stopping as he views Tommy besting Goldar.

Jason, Zach and Billy, morphed, arrive on the scene, sending Putties flying with their Power Weapons. Jason gets to Kimberly, Trini and the injured Tommy first. Jason is careful not to mention Tommy's name despite the shock of seeing him hurt, but Tommy actually recognizes Jason's voice. The Putties storm their position, taking off with Tommy in one direction, and the other citizens, Bulk and SKull included, in another. The girls finally get a chance to morph but not before the Putties vanish with Tommy.

Goldar mocks the Rangers and lunges to attack, but is fended off by the five before he too leaves. Kimberly is ecstatic they rescue Tommy but Jason says that the abducted citizens must come first. Kimberly is angry that Jason could leave a friend. Jason retorts that this was the curse of being the Rangers, having to make tough choices. Zordon contacts the five and tells them to regroup at the Command Centre.

Zordon, alongside Alpha 5 and Gosei tell the Rangers that the Putty Patrollers have herded almost every citizen in Angel Grove in the central park and that they were all guarded by monsters that a thousand years ago served Lord Zedd. Zordon then finally tells the story of the Green Power Soldier, who was originally Thrax. Thrax rejected his parents' association with Maligore and aligned himself with Eltair, for a time. Zedd managed to get into his head and convinced Thrax to betray the Power Soldiers. In the last days of the war, Thrax betrayed his comrades by disengaging his section of the Ultrazord at the last minute of a fight with Lokar, who was then Zedd and Rita's strongest minion. In a fight with the then-Red Power Soldier, Geki, Thrax's Power Coin was cracked and as a result, was wounded. When Thrax was recovered, he died in Rita's arms, permanently scarring her spirit. What Zordon didn't know at the time was that Zedd took the broken coin for himself and now, will likely use it to create a new Green Power Soldier, certain of this as Zedd's resurrection in turned resparked the Coin's energy as well, which was what initially caused him pain earlier.

Billy surmises that the entire invasion was Zedd's way of weeding out who the Rangers really were among the citizens of Angel Grove, and a likely candidate for the Green powers; Tommy. Gosei then unveils his newest creations, two androids called the Armoured Knights, the male Purple Megalodon Knight, and the female Orange Spinosaurus Knight. Zordon that nothing else matters but saving Angel Grove, and Earth, from the horrors that so many other worlds have faced. Kimberly asks what will happen to Tommy. Zordon simply says they'll be seeing him again soon enough.
Don't ask me when PT3's coming, I really don't have an answer.
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